12 January, 2018

Neinor Homes, the first Spanish residential developer to obtain the EFQM Global Excellence Award

EFQM Global Excellence Index is a unique multipurpose platform whose main attribute is to recognise the world’s best performing organizations on their journey to sustainable Excellence. The company has received this award with a 300+ rating, a recognition to the Company’s good management practices


Neinor Homes has been the first Spanish residential developer to receive the EFQM Global Excellence Award with a 300+ rating, a recognition to the Company’s good management practices. The company has achieved this acknowledgement after an external evaluation process, standing out for its resources and alliances management, its bet for an industrialized model and its integrated risk management business model.

According to Juan Velayos, the achievement of the EFQM certificate is one step more of the company on its way to management excellence. “The transformation of the Spanish residential development sector that Neinor Homes is leading requires sustainable excellence in each and every process of the value chain. These certifications help the companies to grow on a sustainable way on their way to excellence” declared the CEO.

The EFQM model offers an integrated tool to analyze a company’s functioning to identify possible improvements on its management. This tool is based on eight pillars: client value creation, contribution to a sustainable future, processes efficiency, innovation, leadership, management of opportunities and threats, employee growth, and results achievement.

With this initiative, Neinor Homes continues leading by example and expects other Spanish residential developers to follow its path to “contribute to a more sustainable sector” declared Juan Velayos.

To continue with its commitment with excellence, the company will be evaluated by EFQM twice a year.


About EFQM

The EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Brussels and founded in 1988. Since its creation, the EFQM has been dedicated to create stronger and more competitive European companies that apply the excellence on all their processes.

With this target, the EFQM developed in 1991 the EFQM Excellence model with the collaboration of the main European companies, that has been reviewed and improved since then. Furthermore, the EFQM manages the European Excellence Award.

The organization currently has 45 partners in 35 countries. Since 2004, the Excellence Management Club is the primary partner of the organization Spain and is the only entity in the country with license to offer the complete range of services of EFQM.