14 November, 2016

Neinor Homes obtains the international AENOR Certificate of Health and Safety at Work

The certification proves the strong development of the company risk control and management policy


         The residential development company has obtained the international AENOR Certificate of Health and Safety at Work (HSW) granted by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR), acknowledging the conformity of the company's management system with OHSAS 18001:2007 regulation.

     This certification, in the hands of the institution in charge of the technical regulation development and spread in Spain, confirms that Neinor Homes comply positively with Health and Security at Work highest standards and proves the solid performance of the company risk control and management policy.

        The implementation of this management system has the main objective of reduce the work accident rate and to increase productivity by identifying, assessing and controlling the risks associated with each job, and eliminating factors that cause accidents and illnesses at work.

           On the other hand, the certification allows a strict compliance with the current legislation about prevention and its effective integration among the organization processes. This way, both inner management and communication between company-employee improve remarkably.

Company whole commitment facing the risks          

          In this sense, it promotes a culture of prevention among the employees, via the inclusion of prevention in the general procedures of the company (required by law) and the commitment of all of them to constant improvement in HSW standards.

          AENOR’s certificates are the most highly valued not just in Spain, but around the world, with the organisation having issued certificates in more than 60 countries. AENOR is among the 10 most important certification organisations in the world. The entity contributes, through standardization and certification (N + C), to the improvement of the companies’ technology and to the welfare of the whole society.