12 December, 2017

Neinor Homes obtains its first “Safe and Healthy Development” certification for Dehesa Homes, a development located in San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid that is currently being delivered

From January 2018 onwards, every development will have this certification that guarantees the excellence of Neinor Homes’ product


Neinor Homes has obtained its first “Safe and Healthy Development” certification for Dehesa Homes, a development located in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid). The dwellings are currently being delivered to their owners, as the notarization process of the 76 unit-development started in late November.


Obtaining this certification named SPATIUM, awarded by the consulting firm SMDos and endorsed by the international certification entity IMG, constitutes an important milestone for the Company. Dehesa Homes is the first finished residential development in Spain to receive this certification and it has done so with the maximum qualification (exceptional). This positions Dehesa Homes as a reference of safety and health.


This certification has three main targets. First, it seeks to demonstrate the guarantees of the dwellings in terms of safety and health. Secondly, it aims to verify the good practices in the real estate development. Lastly, it attempts to diminish the potential risks to the users.


Neinor Homes is the first to offer this certification to its customers

The certification will be officially delivered in January in an event organized by SMDos and attended by the Company’s Management Team.


From this moment, Neinor Homes is committed to obtain the mentioned certification in every development, being the first developer to offer this guarantee to its customers.


SMDos is a consulting firm specialized in security and safety advisory in the real estate and asset management sectors since 2001 and has national footprint with Headquarters in Madrid, Barcelona and Alicante.