16 June, 2017

First delivery in Catalonia: Neinor Homes delivers 54-unit Port Forum Homes

Neinor has 15 ongoing projects in Catalonia, with over 70% of the units pre-sold

  • In line with business plan, the Company has started delivering its first development in Catalonia: 54-unit Port Forum Homes in Sant Adria de Besos


  • Neinor has 15 ongoing projects in Catalonia, with over 70% of the units pre-sold


Barcelona, June 15th 2017 - The Company started delivering Port Forum Homes, a 54 unit complex in the La Catalana neighbourhood of Sant Adria de Besos, very close to the Barcelona Forum. Joaquin Manich, the Eastern Regional Director, has stated that as the first delivery for Neinor Homes in Catalonia, it marks an important milestone for the regional office, which represents circa 25% of Neinor Homes’ land bank.

Construction of Port Forum Homes finished in Q1 2017, while the occupancy license was obtained in Q2. With the site 100% pre-sold, the customer-focused team Neinor Experience started delivering the units; as of today, all but 9 units have already been notarized and delivered to customers, with the remaining units to be delivered in the coming weeks.

The second phase of the Project La Catalana, Port Forum Homes II consists of 86 units, is currently under construction, is 85% pre-sold and is expected to be delivered in 2018. Moreover, the third phase, Port Forum Homes III also with 54 units, was launched into commercialization earlier in Q2. The three buildings total 194 units, in a neighborhood that is currently experiencing high demand from workers that commute daily to work in the center of Barcelona.

Neinor Homes has 15 ongoing developments in Catalonia, representing 1,059 units, out of which 70% have already been pre-sold. Overall, the Company has 65 sites in production for ca. 4,300 units.