22 Enero, 2018

Neinor Next, a pioneering initiative bringing together start-ups that are transforming the residential sector, kicks off on 30 January with #NeinorNextStartupDay

With this project, Neinor Homes is looking to promote a venture builder for technology companies that can lead the future of home building


Neinor Next officially kicks off on Tuesday 30 January with #NeinorNextStartupDay, a very special event where Neinor Homes will present and explain in detail this ground-breaking initiative in the residential sector, promoted in conjunction with Barrabés.biz.

The event, which will be held exclusively in English, aims to be a meeting point for professionals from tech companies and experts interested in applying the latest, most disruptive technology to residential real estate.

The event programme features presentations, workshops, interviews, panel discussions and a round of elevator pitches from the start-ups interested in being part of the initiative.

The main aim of #NeinorNextStartupDay is to encourage new start-ups to work together, as well as discovering, supporting and working with start-ups that are able to bring in innovation and transform the real estate sector.

With them, Neinor Homes hopes to establish nexuses between residential construction and the most innovative technology available, such as blockchain and the latest breakthroughs in materials and energy efficiency, applied to real estate to design the developers and homes of the 21st century.

The company, aware that the future of the sector requires a firm commitment to the latest trends and technology that are transforming the homes of the future, aims to aid in the transformation of the residential sector by offering services and options for increasingly discerning clients.

The best solutions will get a pilot programme with Neinor Homes

Through this cutting-edge initiative, entrepreneurs participating in Neinor Next will work hand-in-hand with experts for 3 to 6 months to push their projects forward. The most noteworthy solutions will get the chance to conduct a pilot programme directly with Neinor Homes.

On its part, Neinor Next only asks participating start-ups bring their talent, positive attitude and solutions that can transform the homes of the future.

Some of the challenges that will be put to the companies participating in the initiative include designing new technical tools to boost product profitability, generating ideas to make the sector more transparent, and developing mechanisms that can anticipate the market, identifying clients and their needs early on.

Anyone interested in joining us for #NeinorNextStartupDay can do so on Tuesday 30 January from 9:30 am at the Barrabés.biz offices (Méndez Álvaro 9, Madrid).

Download your invitation here.