21 Enero, 2019

Neinor Homes: FY2018 results preview

The Company will release its Fiscal Year 2018 results on February 28th, 2019. The results will be discussed on a webcast call by Management at 1pm CET.


Following the end of fiscal 2018 audit process, we are pleased to confirm that the Company achieved the targets set for the end of the year, namely:


  • Deliveries: over 1,000 units were notarized in 2018, which will show fully on the profit and loss statement, in line with Research consensus
  • Construction: projects under construction progressing as expected with 80%+ of 2019 projects with structure already completed
  • Licenses: the year finished with the Company having obtained licenses for 4,200+ units
  • Pre-sales: continued at a steady pace in Q4 totaling 400+ units, taking the cumulative pre-sales of 2018 to 1,600+ units


Full detail on the active sites, launched or under construction, pre-sales and deliveries, to be released on February 28th, together with the audited financial statements to be approved by the Board of Directors.