11 Noviembre, 2016

Neinor Homes consolidated as a quality model for the residential development sector in Córdoba

The company Chief Executive Officer has participated at the ABC-Córdoba Economic Encounter titled: ‘The real estate new reality’


         Juan Velayos, Neinor Homes’ CEO, has participated at ABC-Córdoba Economic Encounter, titled: ‘The real estate new reality’, organized with the collaboration of CajaSur. At this interesting conference among professionals, the present and future of the real estate market in Andalusia was analyzed.

        At his speech, Juan Velayos presented the new business model developed by the company in different areas of the country, a model adapted to the changes and new challenges of the industry and “very different” from which characterized the sector years ago.

        From de beginning, the Neinor Homes model is different because of the own capital founds contribution for the land purchase, in addition to its main objective of institutionalizing the sector. However, he assures while the current land management is not modified, the sector will not be truly industrialized.

A business structure focused towards the client          

     As he explained, one of the company distinctive aspects is the launch of a new and innovative business structure focused towards the client. “The model in which, facing an enormous demand, the developer could deliver shoeboxes and they were bought, was finished”, warned.

        Nowadays, it is necessary to offer exactly the product the client desire, based in his needs and requirements and supporting them all time. Precisely, this is one of the company main purposes performed, among other actions, in the development of Neinor Experience, an innovative department composed by a technical team, whose work is focused exclusively towards the client.  

        Taking advantage of his presence in Córdoba, Juan Velayos, emphasized the importance of the city in the company development, because Neinor Homes office in Córdoba serves as its operational center for the south of Spain and counts with an important team with a wide professional experience. “In Córdoba we count with a big team formed by 50 professionals, almost double than when we arrived”, assured.

        As he reminded, the andalusian city has had a large tradition in the real estate market with excellent professionals. This is why Neinor Homes has become a reference for the city. “We would like to take part in the process of making Córdoba as a reference in the real estate transformation”, explained.

Eight new housing projects in Córdoba until 2021

        In this sense, Neinor Homes’ CEO has explained the new ambitious plans for Córdoba for whose execution will count with professionals from the city.  The company expect to set in motion eight new housing developments (around 750 apartments) until 2021 with an approximate investment of €180 million. These projects would generate almost 1.800 new employments, according the company estimations.

        These works could be launch thanks to the new Spanish real estate market favorable economic circumstances. “All the macroeconomic data tell us we are at a fantastic moment for the housing development in Spain, if we take the right decisions.  We are going to be the engine of the economy again, if we do the right things, and we will do them”.