3 Abril, 2017

Neinor Homes celebrates its initiation at the Stock Market as a landmark of the company at the new real estate cycle

The first listing in the Stock Market made by a real estate developer in the last decade in Europe


Neinor Homes, the real estate developer which leads the transformation of the residential sector celebrates its initiation at the Stock Market, effective since last March 29th when took place the traditional Opening Ceremony at Bilbao Stock Exchange, as an important landmark achieve by the company in the framework of the real estate new cycle

At its debut in the Stock Exchange, the stock price of the company, which operates under the ticker Home, jumped to 7.2%, marking a first price of 17,650 euros per share, compared to the figure of 16,46 euros per share set for its jump to the market.

Thanks to the high expectations generated, Neinor Homes managed to cover in a few hours the bonds offer for its IPO and to finalize the prospecting process of the demand for the sale and subscription offer of shares directed to qualified investors with purchase orders with a volume 4.3 times higher than the ordinary bonds, for an amount of more than 3.3 billion euros.

This high demand of shares is explained by the number of requests received by international (United Kingdom, United States, France, Italy and Netherlands) and national investors.

The shareholders have bet firmly in Neinor Homes, which counts with one of the largest and best quality land bank in the country, with an investment totalling more than 1.1 billion euros. With a buildable area of approximately 1,250 km2, divided between Madrid, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Basque country, Andalusia and Valencia.