5 Septiembre, 2018

Join Neinor Homes’ Investor Days 2018 on September 24th to 27th

Four days to experience the first mover advantage


From September 24th to September 27th, Neinor Homes will host the “Investor Days 2018”, our capital markets event aiming at providing you with the opportunity to dig into our home-building machine.

The event will include site visits to work-in-progress sites for deliveries of ‘18, ‘19 and ‘20, as well as to the land bank, and will also be the chance to meet Central and Regional Management in our offices. We remind you the day and city schedule for you to pick from:

  • Monday, September the 24th – Madrid
  • Tuesday, September the 25th – Malaga
  • Wednesday, September the 26th – Barcelona
  • Thursday, September the 27th – Bilbao


Please click on the following link https://goo.gl/6QmC49 to download the full schedule with detail for each day and suggestions on accommodation and travel suggestions.